Armatys Millard, PLLC, offers mediation and arbitration services for family law cases. Services are available in person in our comfortable offices, or STATE-WIDE via Zoom videoconferencing. Mediation and arbitration services are available for four-hour half-day, eight-hour full-day, and "Drive-by" mediation sessions. We even offer flexible after-hours sessions for those with busy schedules, including three-hour evening sessions from 6:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. or Saturday sessions from 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
Mediation is a confidential settlement process parties use to resolve disputed issues amicably and efficiently. An impartial third party (the mediator) presides over a settlement conference (the mediation) to facilitate communication between the parties to reach agreements and settle disputed issues (a mediated settlement agreement).
Why should you care about mediation? Simply stated, mediation works. It is estimated that 60-80% of cases settle at mediation. Mediation is cost-effective, fast, and confidential. If agreements can be reached, it is truly a “win-win” for everyone involved.
Mediation is the best opportunity to resolve your family law matter on your terms and with your voice being heard. It avoids the anxiety and uncertainty of a trial. Notably, a Mediated Settlement Agreement:
- Is “not subject to revocation.”
- Is binding on the parties and the Court.
- Allows your case to settle on your terms.
- Mediation facilitates the parties' voluntary resolution of a dispute.
- By contrast, in binding arbitration, the Arbitrator makes a final ruling as if they were the judge in the case.
- Courts cannot require arbitration, but the parties may agree to submit disputes to binding arbitration.
- This can be beneficial in reducing costs and securing a prompt resolution of a case.
Having served as Family Court Judges for years, Walter Armatys and John Millard are well qualified to serve as Arbitrators for parties desiring to resolve a dispute promptly and cost-effectively through binding arbitration.
- Full-Day Mediation - $1,000 per party for 8 hours. An additional charge of $150 an hour per party if the session exceeds 8 hours.
- Half-Day Mediation - $500 per party for 4 hours. An additional charge of $150 an hour per party if the session exceeds 4 hours.
- Six-Hour Mediation - $750 per party for 6 hours (1:30 p.m. start). An additional charge of $150 per hour per party if the session exceeds 6 hours.
- Evening Mediation - $500 per party for 3 hours. An additional charge of $150 an hour per party if the session exceeds 3 hours.
- Saturday Mediation - $500 per party for 3 hours. An additional charge of $150 an hour per party if the session exceeds 3 hours.
- Full-Day Arbitration - $1,200 per party 8 hours. An additional charge of $150 an hour per party if the session exceeds 8 hours.
- “Drive-by” Mediation - $200 per party for a fully-agreed 30-minute session. An additional charge of $150 an hour per party if the session exceeds 30 minutes.
Initial fees are due at the time of scheduling. Overtime fees will be billed after the session. Armatys Millard, PLLC accepts payment via all major credit cards through our secure payment portal or by law firm check (we cannot accept personal checks from the parties).